Born and raised in the Bronx, NY and now living in Connecticut.Married to Carol, we have 3 terrific sons - Chris, Gregg and Scott. We also have 2 wonderful daughter-in-laws - Jennifer and Nancy, and 5 grandchildren, Ryan, Caty, Nicholas, Chloe, and now little Rose- see her photo at the bottom of this web pagepage. Chris and Jennifer are the parents of Nicholas and Chloe Rose (grandchildren #3 and #4) while Gregg is dad to Ryan, Caty and Rose (grandchildren #1, #2, and #5). We love them all dearly. Vietnam Vet and Corvette owner. My 1969 Corvette is pictured at the bottom of this page.
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The Wall at night..
Grandchild #2 - - 2009.
Click on the photo for a link to pictures of Catelyn's life
Grandchild #1 - 2009
Click on the photo for a link to pictures of Ryan's life - 2008--------------------------------->.
Above, Gregg (#2 son), Santa and Scott (#3 son).
Nicholas November 2012 (Grandchild #3 )
Click on the photo for a link to pictures of Nicholas' life.
Above: Gregg, Nancy, Caty and Ryan 12/2008.
604th Tans. Co. Pleiku, Vietnam. 1965-1966
MACV, Military Assistant Command, Vietnam - 1965-1966